
Professional event of Business Economics Special College

We kindly invite all students and colleagues for the professional event of the Vállalatgazdasági Szakkollégium (Business Economics Special College)



„Change of attitudes in Quality Management: Quality as a Management Tool at a Hungary-based Japanese Automotive Supplier Company.”
Presenter: Csaba Szuda, CEO, Clarion Hungary Electronics Kft.

The lecture will be followed by an interactive professional discussion with the invited lecturer.

Date: 16.30-18.30 pm, April 26th (Wednesday), 2017

Venue: Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Conference Room of the Faculty
(Main Building, 2nd Floor, Room 2002,
 H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1.)

Please indicate your participation at the following e-mail:

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